Channel: Programming Spark
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Program to check if given array matrix is magic square or not

Here is the program to check if  given array matrix is magic square or not. If you want to know about magic square and magic square program in c click here program to check if given values for square...

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C program to implement Stack [using Linked list]

Here is the program to implement Stack in C using Linked list .Since implementation is using Linked list there would be no condition checking required for upper bound i.e no specific upper limit.While...

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C program to implement circular Queue [using Array]

Here is the program to implement circular Queue in C using Array . Queue is a Data Structure implemented in (FIFO) First In First Out manner.Unlike in Stack ,Queue requires two variables i.e front and...

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C program to implement circular Queue [using Structure]

Here is the program to implement circular Queue in C using Structure . Queue is a Data Structure implemented in (FIFO) First In First Out manner.Unlike in Stack ,Queue requires two variables i.e front...

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C program to implement Queue [using Linked List]

Here is the program to implement queue using linked list in c #include #include struct node {       int data;       struct node *next; }; struct node *front,*rear; void insert(void) {       struct...

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C Program to implement Singly Linked List

Here is the simple Program to Implement Singly Linked list [ SLL ] with Detail Explanation. #include struct node //Each node in list will contain data and next pointer { int data; struct node *next;...

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C Program to implement Singly circular Linked List

Here is the simple Program to Implement Singly Circular Linked list [ SCLL ] with Detail Explanation. #include struct node { int data; struct node *next; }; struct node *start; void insertbeg(void) {...

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C Program to implement Doubly Linked List

Here is the simple Program to Implement Doubly Linked list [ DLL ] with Explanation in Detail #include"stdio.h" #include"alloc.h" struct node {      struct node *prev;      int data;      struct node...

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C Program to implement Doubly Circular Linked List

Here is the simple Program to Implement Doubly Circular Linked list [ DCLL ] with Explanation in Detail. #include"stdio.h" #include"stdlib.h" #include"malloc.h" struct node {      struct node *prev;...

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C program to implement Queue using two Stacks

Here is the program to implement Queue using two Stacks #include #define max 5 // size of the Stack struct stack { int top,a[max]; }; int push(struct stack *p1,int n) { if(p1->top==max-1) //...

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C program to implement two Stacks using single Array

Before you start with this program I recommend you to have a look at this program first. In this program we would be using single array for two stacks,i.e from both the ends of array.So we can push...

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How to solve [Code] Pattern Programs in C

Many of us has difficulties in solving pattern programs in which ever language may be c,c++,java etc.One thing remains the same i.e logic behind different patterns.So i thought to help you to write...

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C program to delete substring from given string without using strstr

Here is the program to delete the substring from given string without using pointers #include #include #include void main() {       int len1,len2,i,cntr1,cntr2,flag=0;       char str1[50],str2[50];...

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c program to print spiral [snake] pattern using array

Here is the simple program to print spiral pattern using array with Explanation.This program takes number of row's and column from user and performs operation on array using while loop to print spiral...

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pattern programs in c++ [alphabet pattern]

Here there are few Examples of alphabet pattern programs in c++  Want to learn to solve patterns on your own than try this  How to solve [Code] Pattern Programs in C Alphabet Pattern1: A BC DEF...

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C program to check if two String are Anagram or not

Anagram:Its just rearrangement of letters in two different words.Two strings are said to be anagram of each other if each letter count in both the strings are same. Examples of anagram: army : mary...

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Program to convert Hexadecimal to decimal number in c

Before starting with program I recommend to read  this Page .Will give you better Idea how the program will work Here is the program to convert Hexadecimal number to Decimal Number #include"conio.h"...

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C program to convert Binary to Hexadecimal Number

Here is the program to convert Binary number to hexadecimal number. Before starting with program I recommend to read  this Page .Will give you better Idea how the program will work. #include"stdio.h"...

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C program to convert Hexadecimal Number to Binary

Here is the program to convert hexadecimal number to Binary number Before starting with program I recommend to read  this Page .Will give you better Idea how the program will work. #include"stdio.h"...

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How to create your own Header File in C/C++ language

Firstly You should Know what are header files and why to include them. So I recommend you to see this link first.  Why do we require to create our own header files? While working on some big projects...

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